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GarPal NHS Scholarship


Dear Garfield-Palouse National Honor Society Alumni:

We trust that your time at GarPal has served you well and helped prepare you for your future endeavors.  The Garfield-Palouse National Honor Society is proud of you and your accomplishments and wish you future success.

The National Honor Society is separated into Alumni and Active membership.  As GarPal NHS Alumni you are aware that the mission of the Garfield-Palouse National Honor Society is to elevate the students’ and schools’ academics, leadership, and community engagement through character and service projects and we work to: Create enthusiasm for scholarship; To stimulate a desire to render service; To promote leadership; and To develop character in the students of Garfield-Palouse.  As students you did the same and have been a part of a long tradition of academic and professional success.

In that vain we are asking for your support as we create an alumni scholarship award given to a GarPal Senior each year who has exemplified the GarPal Honor Society mission and ideals of the National Honor Society during their time at GPHS.  This award will be chosen by an alumni committee of 5-7 people who are five or more years removed from high school and willing to read student essays, cover letters, and review pertinent materials.  The committee role will be to review the scholarship applications and make suggestions regarding criteria.  Attached is a copy of the current scholarship application for your review.

This award is funded and supported by alumni contribution/donations and in part through chapter fundraising efforts.  We hope to award $500 dollars yearly to a deserving senior attending any post-secondary educational institution.   If you would like to support the Garfield-Palouse National Honor Society Alumni Scholarship, please send your donation to:  GarPal NHS Scholarship /  600 E Alder St / Palouse, WA  99161   Or, if you would like to serve on our committee please contact:  Mike Jones (Advisor),        

We hope that you would consider doing both, supporting us through donation and by serving as a committee member, and wish you continued success.